Building wealth isn’t just about hustle and grind. Every day, huge deals are being made, businesses and properties are changing hands, and
a small group of people are making quantum leaps forward – building wealth faster than most dream possible. To the rest of the world, it
looks like they have the Midas Touch. What makes them different? They chose to break AWAY. To build a mindset of abundance. To spot
opportunities others overlook. On this podcast, we’ll unlock the secrets to breaking out of the herd, thinking BIG and building wealth on
our own terms.

Ep. 315: Choosing the Right Kind of Hard with Jim and Nick
Choosing the Right Kind of Hard with Jim and Nick In This Episode: In this episode of Breakaway Wealth, host Jim Oliver and co-host Nick Kosko explore the theme “Choose

Ep. 314: Ditch the Cubicle, Embrace the Notes: Fred Moskowitz’s Wealth Revolution!
Ditch the Cubicle, Embrace the Notes: Fred Moskowitz’s Wealth Revolution! In This Episode: In this conversation, Jim Oliver interviews Fred Moskowitz, an expert in changing directions in life. Fred shares

Ep. 313: Tax Rebellion: Crush the Status Quo with Mark Kohler
Tax Rebellion: Crush the Status Quo with Mark Kohler In This Episode: In this raucous, no-bs conversation, Jim and Mark Kohler get into taxes – strategies, planning and the role

Ep. 312: Win Monday, Win Life: Paul Epstein’s Blueprint for Consistent Victories
Win Monday, Win Life: Paul Epstein’s Blueprint for Consistent Victories In This Episode: In this conversation, Jim interviews Paul Epstein, a keynote speaker, bestselling author, and podcaster. Paul shares his

Ep. 311: The Hidden Cost of Cash: Unlocking Financial Growth with Economic Value Added (EVA) with Jim and Nick
The Hidden Cost of Cash: Unlocking Financial Growth with Economic Value Added (EVA) with Jim and Nick In This Episode: In this conversation, Jim and Nick discuss the Economic Value

Ep. 310: Charity Meets Profit: A New Way to Invest in Struggling Companies
Charity Meets Profit: A New Way to Invest in Struggling Companies with Jared Yellin In This Episode: Jared Yellin discusses his work in Israel, where he acquires distressed software companies

Ep. 309: The Case Against Fiat Currency: What’s Next for Our Financial System with Jimmy Song
The Case Against Fiat Currency: What’s Next for Our Financial System with Jimmy Song In This Episode: In this conversation, Jim interviews Jimmy Song about Bitcoin and the problems with

Ep. 308: Finding Gold in a Seller’s Market: Andrew Lucas’ Secrets to Cash-Flowing Deals
Finding Gold in a Seller’s Market: Andrew Lucas’ Secrets to Cash-Flowing Deals In This Episode: In this conversation, Jim interviews Andrew Lucas, the founder of Deal Finders Club, about his