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Luke Neubauer: Real Estate as a Passive Income and More

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Luke Neubauer discuss:   Getting out of the ‘rat race’  Confidence is a skill to build  Building a community to encourage each other in real estate  The abundance mindset, not a scarcity mindset  Key Takeaways:   Set goals and take steps to reach those goals, say it out loud  Fear is normal, it takes time and …

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Jim Oliver: Equipment Financing

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Nick Kosko discuss:  Premiums and multiple ways it can be paid Terry Nash’s logging business example Being your own banker “Retirement” distribution  Key Takeaways:  The premium is the solution, not the problem By financing equipment you’re able to recapture interest you would have paid to the bank If the bank is in charge, then …

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Jake Kosko: Do you know as much about money as a 4th Grader?

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Jake Kosko discuss:   Learning about infinite banking and money  The Creature from Jekyll Island lessons  The Federal Reserve  Books for kids to learn more about money management  Key Takeaways:   Put your money to work for you without you working too much  Get out of the rat race and get into the fast track  You have …

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Money Isn’t The End

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Warwick Fairfax discuss:  How he managed an economic personal crisis with his family’s business  Crucible moments  How money is not everything in life and can be corrupting  Having a source of reference in living  Key Takeaways:  Goal of your life and leadership should be significance, not success  Just Money doesn’t’ satisfy  It’s abundance in …

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Nelson Nash Series Part 6 – Success Stories in Infinite Banking

In this episode, Jim Oliver, Justin Craft, and Joe Pantozi discuss: Traits that student of IBC must have to succeed Examples of how new students utilized IBC to get the best return on their money Practicing what they preach and give examples of how they’ve used their personal systems Key Takeaways: Always be learning about money and building wealth Be …

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Nelson Nash Series Part 5 – Common Mistakes New IBC Students Make

In this episode, Jim Oliver, Justin Craft, and Joe Pantozi discuss: Frequently asked questions from clients about infinite banking Mistakes that students make when first starting out The impact Infinite Banking can have on your wealth building strategies Key Takeaways: Look at what rich people are doing and model it, these strategies have been around 150+ years Once you are …

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Nelson Nash Series Part 4 – Applying Nelson’s Teachings

In this episode, Jim Oliver, Justin Craft, and Joe Pantozi discuss: Nelson’s impact on the industry and in the lives of his mentees Why many advisors don’t practice Nelson Nash’s teachings How Nelson’s brush with death caused him to dedicate his life to this work How the client’s thinking shifts once they understand infinite banking Key Takeaways: Nelson taught that …

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Nelson Nash Series Part 3 – Nelson’s Impact

In this episode, Jim Oliver, Justin Craft, and Joe Pantozi discuss: How Nelson taught them his knowledge How Nelson challenged them to become mentors like Nelson was to them The impact of Nelson’s stories Nelson’s system of operations for when he passes Key Takeaways: What growth entails, deconstructing what you’ve learned and relearning Government expanding their impact, infringing on the …

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Nelson Nash Series Part 2 – Changing Your Thinking, Changing The Results

In this episode, Jim Oliver, Justin Craft, and Joe Pantozi discuss: Infinite banking method Bonus rule is rethink your thinking How to begin thinking like a business owner versus an investor The most overlooked/misunderstood part of the book Key Takeaways: Hope is not a financial strategy Economics is the science of human behavior as it relates to the distribution of …

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Nelson Nash Series Part 1 – A New Business Philosophy

In this episode, Jim Oliver, Justin Craft, and Joe Pantozi discuss: How one can change their thinking How understanding the problem leads to an easy solution Building a system of policies leads to higher confidence Nelson being a mentor and having the answers to any inquiries to new businesses Key Takeaways: Building certainty for clients using the methods introduced by …

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The Problem

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Nick Kosko discuss:  How to be your own banker  How much one should spend on a certain category with their finances   Being fluent in the concept prior to understanding the minute details  Understanding the nuances of rates and interest   Key Takeaways:  The all American family has the ability to be their own banker   After …

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Gary Schneeberger: Standing Out with Your Interview

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Gary Schneeberger discuss:  How to take what you do and find levers that will exceed and upset expectations  How clients can take control over their interview  Third party affirmations  How to get your message out  Key Takeaways:  The goal is to capture stories that go beyond what’s expected and surprise people take people by …

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Tyler Chesser: Starting from the Ground Up

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Tyler Chesser discuss:  How Tyler gained insight into real estate without knowing anyone in the business  How coaching has contributed to his success  The unique strategies that set his business apart  At the end of the day, you have to identify the outcome – start with the “why” and what exactly you are looking …

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The Tactics of Insurance Companies: Might as Well Die

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Nick Kosko discuss:  Average retirement age and mortality rates  Modified Endowment Contracts   Insurance’s process of establishing minimum and maximum premium rates  Term insurance  Key Takeaways:  Insurance companies will increase to adhere to the likelihood of one’s own survival  Between minimum and maximum, there are infinite amount of premiums that the insurance companies can charge   …

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Nick Raithel: The 7-Hour Book

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Nick Raithel discuss:  Writing books and creating wealth.  Why writing a book can make you stand out from the crowd.  Benefits of having your own book, including opportunities created from the book. The 7-hour book.    Key Takeaways:  A book can be a way to breakaway in your pursuit of wealth or in your business …

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The Human Problem: Part 2

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Nick Kosko discuss:  The continued and ongoing relevance of Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash.  The Golden Rule Principle.  The Arrival Syndrome and how people fall into it then overcome it.  The illusion of knowledge. Key Takeaways:  Capital has a cost – but it also is a responsibility and should be treated with …

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The Human Problem: Part 1

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Nick Kosko discuss: The continued and ongoing relevance of Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash.  Expenses expand to equal our income Willie Sutton’s law- Wherever wealth is accumulated, someone will try to steal it The IRS takes your money to give to the Treasury to pay to the Federal Reserve for all the …

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Steve Olsher: The Lifelong Entrepreneur

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Steve Olsher discuss:   Helping people find their core gift, primary vehicle, and people to serve.  The power of forgiveness and discovering what you may want to do in life.  The lifestyle, choices, and freedom money provides.  Key Takeaways:   Starting with identifying your innate interests and working through some exercises will provide a clear understanding …

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Back to the Basics: Becoming Your Own Banker – Part 3

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Nick Kosko discuss:   Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash and how to apply its principles.    Actuarial science basics and insurance company’s methods for assessing risk ratings.  Why the financial risk of whole life insurance shifts from the policy owner to the insurance company.  How to choose your primary needs; finances or death benefit …

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Acquiring Businesses with Domenic Rinaldi

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Domenic Rinaldi discuss: Market acquisition strategies and owner engagement of potential sellers. The new client interview process and how to identify a buyer’s goals and interests. The flexible terms of SBA loans and the average rate of returns for small business transactions. Key Takeaways: SBA loans offer more flexible terms over conventional loans, including …

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Cash Flow Through Collaborative Real Estate Investments with Hunter Thompson

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Hunter Thompson discuss: Investing in real estate and what types of property are in demand even when the economy is down What institutional-grade property is and how you can invest in it The risks and rewards of passive versus active investments Key Takeaways: Diversify so that even when the economy is down your overall …

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Wealth Can’t Wait with David Osborn

In this episode, Jim Oliver and David Osborn discuss: The concept of two sides of the river and the risks of never crossing to the other side. The importance of working through others and hiring team members who want to make a difference and put in the effort. Negative thinking and the importance of goal setting and visualization. Key Takeaways: …

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Clarifying Your Story: Amplify Your Impact & Simplify Your Life with Park Howell

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Park Howell discuss: The proven Story Cycle system implementation and clarifying your story. How transitioning a corporation’s brand through storytelling results in substantial growth. Understanding the ten steps in the Story Cycle and how to elevate your brand. Key Takeaways: The Goodwill Store, telling their brand story increased its growth by 400% in five …

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Back to the Basics: Becoming Your Own Banker

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Nick Kosko discuss:  The continued and ongoing relevance of Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash.  The importance of understanding the process of banking and its importance to our wellbeing. The financial principles of the grocery store. Key Takeaways:  The amount of control that you take over your finances determines how successful you are, how …

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Kerry Lutz: Government Intervention

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Kerry Lutz discuss: Governmental intervention and the disasters that often occur. Government’s persuasion by environmentalists and the resulting devastation of the Northern California wildfires. How the youngest generation’s lack of financial education is contributing to enslavement by banks and the government. Key Takeaways: Always live beneath your means as there will become a day …

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Giuseppe Grammatico: The Franchise Consultant

In this episode, Jim Oliver and Giuseppe Grammatico discuss:   The “Why” behind beginning a business and its importance as a first step. The strategic advantages of purchasing a franchise rather then starting a business independently. Understanding the process of entering the franchise ownership market and finding the right fit. Key Takeaways: The basic financial investment for a franchise is $35k to …

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Back to Page 45 and Infinite Banking

Back to Page 45 and Infinite Banking In this episode, Jim Oliver and Nick Kosko discuss: The continued and ongoing relevance of Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash.Asking your own “compared to what” scenarios.The CD Sister versus the IBC Sister.The universality of Infinite Banking for everyone. Key Takeaways: Everyone has money flowing through their hands- how are you going to …

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How Everyone Can Become Their Own Banker: A Tribute to Nelson Nash

How Everyone Can Become Their Own Banker: A Tribute to Nelson Nash Breakaway Wealth: Episode 24 – On March 29th, the world lost Mr. Nelson Nash. While he may have ‘graduated’ from this world (as he would say), Nelson offered so many brilliant lessons in his time on earth. How can you become your own banker, according to Nelson? How …